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60 percent of the population will be living in cities by 2030

epa03939329 Mozambican citizens during a normal daily life, in Maputo, Mozambique, 07 November 2013. The main Mozambican cities live in fear after a wave of kidnappings over the past two years. EPA/ANTONIO SILVA

During the Session of the Board of Directors dedicated to the preparation of the National Urbanization Policy, held yesterday in Maputo, the Minister of State Administration and Public Service, Ana Comoane, addressed the topic of communication between urban and rural areas. He clarified that despite the differences between these areas, communication will always remain a crucial aspect of their relationship.

According to Comoane, the preliminary document contains all pertinent issues that require protection. The document will be discussed further to ensure that the final instrument is adequately harmonized.

According to him, the urbanization policy implemented at national level is a long-awaited tool, given its immense importance in the planning and development of cities, as well as in the management of urban expansion.

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After the diagnosis phase, a series of actions were carried out that culminated in the current stage. Two forums were held to establish the general parameters for the review of this guidance document, and these forums led to the formulation of the specific measures currently being taken. The individual in question clearly remembers these events.

Following the situational diagnosis, there was an extensive consultation process with all local government bodies and the population in order to prepare a preliminary document outlining the expected results of the relevant policy. This fieldwork was also carried out in Mozambique.

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