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Access Bank invests in training young Mozambican graduates

As part of its commitment to education and employability, Access Bank Mozambique will, from October this year, train young graduates aged up to 26, in various areas linked to banking.

The aim of the program is to place young recent graduates in the banking industry through training that allows them to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the area, to later place them at the service of the Bank. On the other hand, the Program, financed by the Bank, shows the commitment to promoting education and well-being in the communities where the institution operates.

Currently, the application process is underway and will last until the end of this month, followed by the selection process scheduled to end in April 2024.

The great difference of the Access Bank Graduate Program lies in the quality and stages observed in the training process.

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Selected candidates undergo theoretical and practical classes and psychotechnical exams for six months at the School of Banking Excellence located in Nigeria, headquarters of Access Bank.

The Bank offers candidates the opportunity to visit various branches where they perform different tasks, for three months after the end of theoretical classes, as a way of improving their know-how.

After completing the training, candidates become graduates and receive certificates upon graduation, in an act that marks their effectiveness as employees of the Bank in Mozambique.

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For the Managing Director of Access Bank Mozambique, Marco Abalroado, there is no doubt that if we want to establish ourselves as the most respected African Bank in the World, we must continue to invest in the training of young Africans. “We always look at human resources as the most important asset in our institution, which is why we will continue to invest in training young people, training them as qualified professionals for the Mozambican financial market”, said the same person in charge, adding that “the Graduates are part of our culture of maximizing employee knowledge and raising quality standards in the provision of our services.”

The Graduate Program covers all countries where Access Bank operates. In Mozambique, the program started in 2019 and has already trained 35 candidates, 21 of which are working for Access Bank. At the moment, nine candidates are in training in Nigeria and could join the others next December.

Candidates recognize the transformational effects of the program. For Adiona Catsica, graduated in 2019 and currently Employee Experience Team Leader, “Access Bank gave me a unique opportunity to fit into banking without experience in the sector. The 6 months in Nigeria were a period of many challenges. In addition to teaching about technical areas of banking, the Bank's school teaches about knowing how to be, and exposes us to different cultures, he said. On the other hand, “I had the opportunity to interact with graduates from other countries where Access is located and share experiences”.

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