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Increased chicken production in Namaacha contributes to reducing smuggling

Namaacha, a province located in Maputo, is experiencing a notable increase in chicken production, and this growth is playing a key role in reducing chicken smuggling from neighboring countries. According to reports in the Rádio Moçambique newspaper, the district is producing an average of more than seventy thousand chickens per year, and the expectation is to surpass this number next year.

The administrator of Namaacha, Carlos Moutinho, highlighted that the district has favorable conditions for chicken production and invited large companies to invest in this region of the country. He made these comments during the second edition of the Chicken Festival, held last Saturday.

The increase in local chicken production is having a positive impact on the local economy and the food market in Mozambique. More robust chicken production means that demand is increasingly being met domestically, thus reducing the need for chicken imports from neighboring countries.

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Smuggling of food products, including chicken, was a significant concern for authorities in Mozambique as it affected both the country's economy and food security. However, the commitment to increasing local production is proving to be an effective solution to combat smuggling and strengthen the local economy.

The Chicken Festival is an initiative that highlights the importance of the poultry sector in Namaacha and celebrates local efforts to increase chicken production. The event also serves as a forum to promote investment opportunities in the region, encouraging companies to explore the potential of chicken production in Namaacha.

As chicken production continues to grow in Namaacha, the region is expected to become an important hub for poultry production in Mozambique, creating jobs, boosting the local economy and reducing dependence on food imports. This increase in food self-sufficiency is a positive step for the country and the Namaacha region.

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