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EDM: Power Cut Notice

The neighborhoods of 3 de Fevereiro, Mahotas, Laulane, Albasine and Magoanine, in the city of Maputo, will be deprived of electricity due to preventive and corrective maintenance work on electrical infrastructures.

The interruption, which will take place on the 8th and 9th of the current month, depending on the area, also covers the provinces of Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala and Manica, specifically the districts of Bilene, Govuro, Inhassouro, Funhalouro, Vilankulo, Cheringoma, Machanga, Marínguè, Búzi, Chibabava, Caia, Chemba, Muanza, Báruè, Machaze, Mossurize, Macossa, Tambara and Guro. Restrictions will also be registered in the provinces of Tete, Zambézia, Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa.


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