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Cabo Delgado: Attack on football field leaves 12 dead and three injured

The Mocímboa da Praia district was the target of a terrorist attack on Thursday (14), which resulted in 12 deaths and three injuries. The victims were surprised when they were playing football on an improvised field.

According to the VOA Portuguese, which cites local sources, Mozambican and Rwandan forces deployed to the scene found the bodies. However, there has not yet been any official statement.

A resident said that the insurgents used a well-known tactic, that of infiltrating villages identified as military. “We are amazed and desperate how this happens again.”

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Until Saturday, there were still several people taking refuge in the forests, said a source cited, who reported an incursion by the rebels into the village of Inguri.

Since 2017, terrorism has killed around four thousand people and caused more than a million people to flee, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), which, however, ensures the return of more than half of those displaced. .

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