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Clothes merchant kidnapped in downtown Maputo: Police looking for rescue

On Wednesday, a clothing trader was the victim of abduction by armed men in downtown Maputo, according to the Mozambican capital's police spokesman, Leonel Muchina.

“We are currently taking steps to rescue the victim, a businessman who was kidnapped from his own store in the downtown area,” said Muchina.

The incident occurred when the victim was in his store, and two men forced him to leave the store and get into a vehicle driven by a third individual, the spokesperson explained.

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One of the kidnappers was armed with a pistol, which was used to threaten the victim.

Suspicions of kidnapping in downtown Maputo arose when a video began circulating on social media, showing a man being forcibly dragged out of a clothing store by two people and then being placed in a vehicle that fled the scene. .

The main cities in Mozambique have faced a series of kidnappings targeting businesspeople and their families, which led the government to announce the creation of a police unit specialized in combating kidnappings. The police are currently committed to rescuing the victim and investigating the case to identify those responsible for the abduction.

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