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CTA concerned about delays in payment to suppliers

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) moments ago expressed its concern at the continued increase in delays in the payment of invoices by the State to contractors and suppliers of goods and services.

Agostinho Vuma, President of CTA

The fact was revealed by the president of the CTA, Agostinho Vuma, who was speaking at the opening of the XVIII Annual Private Sector Conference (CASP), which takes place under the motto “Transformation, Innovation, Sustainability and Inclusion for Industrial Competitiveness”.

“We are concerned about the continued increase in delays in payment of invoices by the State to contractors and suppliers of goods and services,” said Vuma.

The president of the CTA added that the delay in payment reveals that companies, mostly SMEs, are financing the State and, therefore, limiting their growth.

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In this aspect, it is noted that expenses for contracts, goods and services continue to grow, having, for example, in 2022 reached the amount of around 46 billion meticais, corresponding to a realization of 99.7 %.

“Here, we propose that the Government create maximum limits on the accumulation of arrears so that this expense can be controlled and monitored. In the annual budget, a specific item must be included for the payment of these late invoices to contractors providing State goods and services”, he said.

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