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52 “false healers” were dismantled and sent to justice administration bodies

The administration of justice took action against 52 individuals who were identified as fraudulent healers. These individuals have been dismantled and their cases will be handled accordingly.

During the first half of the year, the province of Niassa took action against fifty-two individuals who falsely claimed to practice traditional medicine. These individuals were detained and handed over to the appropriate authorities to face criminal charges for their mistakes.

Sanudia Chaibo, president of the Association of Traditional Healers of Mozambique (AMETRAMO), revealed that fake healers were operating in Niassa. The group was made up of seven individuals from Malawi and six from Tanzania who were later deported. These individuals charged exorbitant amounts, promising to cure chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes.

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 During the celebration of African Traditional and Alternative Medicine Day in Chimbunila district, a source revealed that one of the defendants was charged while the others were prosecuted and their respective cases were referred to judicial authorities for further proceedings.

According to JN, some of the individuals handed over to the authorities were involved in the practice of witchcraft, focusing mainly on a technique known as chitega. This practice involves the paralysis of the victim's upper or lower limbs on the orders of a third party, as punishment for the accused's transgressions, such as theft, adultery, embezzlement, non-payment of debts and similar crimes.

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