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Saudi company will produce feed and fertilizers in Chókwè

The Saudi company Jampur Moçambique, Lda, which operates in the Chókwè district, Gaza province, will produce feed to meet the demand of the poultry and aquaculture industry, as part of a series of new projects that it is introducing to better take advantage of - products from the processing of rice, tomatoes and cashew nuts.

Jampur took control of the Chókwè Agro-Industrial Complex (CAIC), which was once a gigantic state farm. According to this Monday's edition of the Maputo daily “Notícias”, the company's focus was on seeking market guarantees for locally produced rice, but now the Jampur Group's businesspeople want to expand the range of investments to other projects, which include a production line for fish and poultry feed, fertilizers and supplements to improve livestock robustness.

The expectation of this business group is to reduce dependence on imports to satisfy the local poultry and fish market. In addition to food production and marketing, Jampur has other projects underway, namely the creation of a footwear and uniform production industry.

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According to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jampur Group, Mohammad Shafiq, in this embryonic phase of its operation at CAIC, attention is focused on processing and marketing. He said, without providing specific numbers, that there are investments in the pipeline for a set of structuring projects in the value chain of products intended for domestic consumption and also for export. “We are also interested in investing in the production of poultry, fertilizers and uniforms, all here in the Chókwè district,” he said. The revitalization of the Chókwè Agro-Industrial Complex is the result of the National Industrialization Program of Mozambique (PRONAI), launched in 2021 by President Filipe Nyusi, with the aim of contributing to increased production, stimulating agro-processing, reducing exports of raw materials and generating employment and income for the family sector.

According to the governor of Gaza, Margarida Mapandzene Chongo, this is the first major step that the province takes in agro-processing and agro-business in light of the national industrialization program. He said foreign researchers were approached during the recent presidential visit to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, which included a delegation from the Gaza Provincial Executive Council, to relaunch the portfolio of anchor projects for the Limpopo Valley production area.

He emphasized that the arrival of investors at CAIC is an added value to boost the province's economy and create more employment opportunities, especially for young graduates in various areas of technical and professional education, but also to value the efforts of producers who have been demanding about the lack of market for their products. “The work has already started. As they are foreign investors, there is a lot of bureaucracy in the initial procedures for them to be able to fully carry out their activities, but they are very confident in the collaboration of the central government and we locally have done our part to make this project a reality”, she said.

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