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End of an era: Netflix ends DVD-by-mail service after shipping 5 billion discs

In a nostalgic farewell to a bygone era of entertainment, Netflix announced the closure of its DVD-by-mail service after shipping more than 5 billion DVDs to millions of subscribers over the past 25 years. The once-revolutionary service, which played a key role in Netflix's rise to streaming dominance, will officially cease operations this Friday.

The DVD-by-mail service, launched in 1997, marked the company's initial foray into disrupting the traditional video rental market dominated by Blockbuster and mom-and-pop stores. It quickly gained popularity for its user-friendly online interface and the convenience of receiving DVDs at home without late fees.

Netflix's DVD service owes its success to a series of behind-the-scenes innovations that are often overshadowed by the company's streaming achievements. These innovations included state-of-the-art logistics, predictive algorithms and a vast network of distribution centers.

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The discontinuation of Netflix's DVD-by-mail service marks the end of an era in the entertainment industry. While streaming has taken a central role, it's important to remember the pivotal role this service played in Netflix's rise to prominence. As we say goodbye to the red envelopes and DVDs of yesteryear, we can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for a time when movie night meant waiting for the mail to arrive.


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