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Government gave the green light to more than 700 projects costing US$6 billion

Over the past three years, the government of Mozambique has given the green light to a total of 742 projects, with a combined budget of US$6.2 billion.

During the inaugural session of the XXI Coordinating Council, Silvino Moreno, Minister of Industry and Commerce, released the numbers this Monday (05).

According to the Governor's explanation, the numerical value will play a role in reinforcing the expansion of industrial production in Mozambique.

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“Moreno emphasized that these statistics should serve as a driving force for the growth of the country’s industrial production, with a focus on local and international markets. In doing so, they will inevitably lead to an improvement in the country's trade balance.

During the same period, approximately 92,457 companies obtained licenses. Of these, 2,026 were newly created industries that used the eBAU platform, a digital services system supervised by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) for public use.

According to the minister, the MIC has already started the process of mapping industrial establishments. The objective of this exercise is to collect data relating to the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the profile of the national industrial park, as well as the distinctive characteristics of national industrial production.

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The minister announced that despite the effects of natural disasters and geopolitical conflicts, the Industry and Commerce sector maintained a stable and consistent performance throughout the first half of this year.

The speaker warned that special attention should be paid to the manufacturing industry, which has shown an average annual reduction of 0.26 percentage points. From 7.8 percent in 2020, it fell to 7.4 percent of GDP in 2022.

The objective established by the sector was to reach the target of nine percent, a reference value that is not met by the current percentage.

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With regard to industrial production, the degree of achievement of the objectives planned for the five-year period 2020-2024 was approximately 70 percent.

The government's main priorities include the industrialization of Mozambique.

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