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Government plans to build an alternative route to EN1

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, announced today (13) in the province of Gaza, in southern Mozambique, that the government is planning the creation of alternative roads to the National Road Number One (EN1), with the aim of reducing dependence of this single infrastructure, which is crucial for the connection between the north and south regions of the country.

This new alternative path can be included in the Government's next Five-Year Program, which needs to be approved by the Assembly of the Republic, the Mozambican parliament, so that the necessary investments can be discussed and guaranteed.

The planned route will begin in the district of Macie, in Gaza, and will extend to Inchope, in the province of Manica, bypassing the province of Inhambane. This will provide an alternative for people moving from northern Gaza, allowing them to reach the central and northern regions of the country more efficiently.

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The new road could include sections such as Macia-Chokwé, Macarretana, Mabalane, Mapai, Massangena, Espungabera, Sussundenga, Chimoio and even Inchope, with the construction of a bridge over the Save River, which connects Massangena, in Gaza, and Espungabera. , in Manica, in the central area.

Nyusi assured that the process of mobilizing financing to make this project a reality is already underway.

This announcement was made today during the inauguration of the Macia-Chokwé Road, which underwent rehabilitation and expansion works over a 62-kilometer stretch, with investments from REVIMO.

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“We are working hard to introduce alternative roads to the EN1 in some of its sections”, explained Nyusi. He emphasized that Mozambique cannot depend exclusively on a single road, as any problem on this main road causes serious problems for the movement of people and goods. Therefore, it is crucial to plan and develop other alternative pathways.

“We saw this in Cabo Delgado, where there was only one route to Mocímboa, and when we faced problems, only then did we think of an alternative, but we learned from this experience. The same applies here on Estrada 3 de Fevereiro, where, when problems occur, we face congestion”, added Nyusi.

The President noted that EN1, in its further downstream course, crosses several rivers, making it more vulnerable to interruptions during the rainy season, due to rising river levels, which affects connectivity between the southern, central and north of the country.

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