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INSS collects more than 74 million meticais in Beira

The National Institute of Social Security (INSS), in the center of the city of Beira, collected 74.1 million meticais (1.1 million dollars, at current exchange rates) in the last six months resulting from the payment of debts from various institutions.

According to the INSS delegate in Beira, Jaime Chicamisse, cited in this Monday's edition of the Maputo daily “Notícias”, this amount was charged both judicially and extrajudicially.

“The amount was raised from a total of 2,785 taxpayers or companies, corresponding to a coverage of 150.29 percent of the target set for this year,” he said.

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Any debt, explained Chicamisse, is dynamic and can gradually decrease or increase, following coercive collection through the courts.

“We are encouraging employers to pay the debt in question, as some of them deduct three percent of their employees' salaries for social security contributions, but never channel the money to the INSS,” he said.

“They never channel the money, not the amounts deducted from workers’ salaries, nor the four percent that they receive as employers,” he added.

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The phenomenon, he said, constitutes a crime of abuse of trust. However, around 20 companies have already been sued and their cases are now before the courts.

“Therefore, some of these entities are paying their debts. The INSS thanks the contribution of the Justice and the Attorney General's Office”, said Chicamisse.

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