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OpenAI updates ChatGPT for a new era: now you can “see, hear and talk”

In an announcement that promises to revolutionize the field of artificial intelligence, OpenAI has revealed a significant update to its acclaimed language model, ChatGPT. This update will allow ChatGPT to not only process text, but also “see, hear and speak,” marking a notable advancement in the ability of AIs to more fully understand and interact with the real world.

With the additions of vision, hearing and speech, ChatGPT now acquires more human-like abilities, opening up a wide range of application possibilities in different areas.

Vision: The ability to “see” will allow ChatGPT to analyze images and visual data. This means that AI can identify objects in photos, understand graphs and maps, and even assist in pattern recognition tasks.

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Hearing: The “listen” capability enables ChatGPT to interact with audio content. This is particularly useful for automatic transcriptions, conversation analysis, and interactions in environments involving audio.

He speaks: The ability to “speak” makes ChatGPT capable of generating audio output, transforming text into speech. This opens the door to more natural voice assistants and voice-controlled home automation systems.

This update not only expands ChatGPT's abilities, but also enhances its usefulness in a variety of industries and scenarios:

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  • Health: It can assist in interpreting medical images and providing health information through accessible voice assistants.
  • Education: It will enable the creation of interactive and adaptable educational materials, making learning more engaging.
  • Business: It will support customer service, enabling more natural interactions with chatbots.
  • Accessibility: It will improve accessibility for people with disabilities by making technology more inclusive.

However, with these innovations come ethical challenges and liability concerns. OpenAI is aware of the risks associated with AI and is committed to ensuring the responsible use of this technology. The company is working closely with experts, governments and stakeholders to develop policies and guidelines that promote the ethical and safe use of AI.


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