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PR claims that Mozambique's development is hampered by terrorism

During a recent statement, Filipe Nyusi, President of Mozambique, acknowledged that the terrorism that has ravaged the province of Cabo Delgado for almost six years is the main barrier to the country's progress. However, he expressed his appreciation for the participation of young people in the fight against this disease.

During a speech at the IX National Gala of the Young Creative Award, in Chimoio, located in the province of Manica, central Mozambique, the head of state recognized the negative impact of terrorism on the country's progress towards development. He specifically extended his appreciation to young people serving in the Defense and Security Forces, recognizing their crucial role in combating this obstacle.

The individuals on the ground responsible for protecting us against the spread of terrorism have an average age of 30. Despite their youth, they actively defend our interests, allowing the implementation of innovative and beneficial projects. Your contribution is essential to our continued security. The speaker recognized their valor, determination and significant sacrifices in this battle.

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“Filipe Nyusi emphasized that his efforts are focused on combating terrorism and achieving significant victories against his adversaries. This has resulted in the creation of opportunities for young people to engage in productive sectors that contribute to the overall growth and development of the region.

In Cabo Delgado, a battle against terrorism is being fought on the ground. These attacks have been ongoing since October 2017 and have resulted in setbacks in the progress of natural gas production projects in the area. The Mozambique Armed Defense Forces have been leading this fight since July 2021, with assistance from Rwanda and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the conflict in northern Mozambique resulted in the displacement of one million people. Meanwhile, the ACLED conflict registry project reports approximately 4,000 deaths. The Mozambican President recently acknowledged the situation, stating that “more than 2,000” fatalities had been recorded

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The nation's leader praised Mozambique's youth, specifically their collective sense of patriotism and unity, during his speech. He recognized his desire to take the lead in facing the challenges his country faces today.

The speaker vehemently implored the audience to keep Mozambique close to their hearts, reiterating the country's importance by repeating its name several times. He emphasized that although Mozambique is envied, it rightfully belongs to its people, whom he referred to as the “owners”

As neighbors of neighbors and friends of friends, we have responsibilities to one another. However, our main concern lies within our own borders. It is crucial that we prioritize the well-being of our fellow Mozambicans first. If we neglect our own people, we will not be able to extend our support to others. Therefore, we must learn to appreciate and value our own community. These were the words emphasized by the speaker.

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Filipe Nyusi spoke about the significance of the National Gala for the Young Creative Award, stating that it serves as a platform to praise the power, intellect and ingenuity of young people as integral drivers of the country's progress.

In this year's edition, 2,740 participants participated from different parts of the country, presenting their innovative and entrepreneurial projects in different sectors.

To improve, you need to act. It's up to you to take these ideas, as well as others, regardless of their origin, and put them into practice. It is impossible for everyone to think the same way, but we must all work together with the well-being of Mozambique in mind to build a better future for our country. He implored young people to seize the opportunity presented by the post-pandemic economic recovery and use it to their advantage.

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