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Health professionals warn that they may resort to strike once again

APSUSM, or Association of United and Solidarity Health Professionals of Mozambique, launched an alert today. They warned that they may choose to go on strike once again if the agreements being negotiated with the government are not respected.

Citizen Observatory for Health

According to Agência Lusa, nurse Anselmo Muchave, quoted today by the private channel STV, the organization is aware of the Government's obligation to act. However, they warn that they reserve the right to terminate any agreements if the Government does not fulfill its part of the agreement.

The matter at hand concerns the cessation, which lasted until November 5, of the work stoppage initiated by APSUSM. This labor strike affects around 65,000 technicians, nurses and service workers in Mozambique's health system. These employees demand better working conditions.

Anselmo Muchave reports that negotiations with the government commission are still ongoing, and the main topic of discussion at the moment concerns the issue of salary demands. However, so far no solid agreement has been reached on the matter.

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The nurse expressed that nothing has been resolved yet and they are anticipating the completion of their efforts. She also accused the Ministry of Health of hiding the requests made by health professionals in the previous operating model.

Anselmo Muchave expressed that negotiations were conducted with both the Ministry of Health, but the demands made were not properly met. Mr. Muchave also stated that dealing directly with the Government would speed up the process.

One of the demands made by APSUSM, among others, is that the Government ensures that hospitals are equipped with the necessary medicines. In some cases, patients are required to purchase these medications. Additionally, APSUSM calls for the acquisition of new hospital beds and the resolution of the problem of food shortages in health units.

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The Mozambican executive is being urged by health experts to ensure its ambulances are equipped with emergency supplies for immediate, life-saving assistance. Furthermore, they request that non-disposable personal protective equipment be made available to employees, as the current shortage means that employees have to purchase these materials with their own resources.

The strike that had lasted for a month was suspended by the Medical Association of Mozambique (AMM) until 2 October. This decision was taken with the aim of starting discussions with the new negotiating team, which is headed by the Mozambican Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane.

The collective strikes initiated by these groups of professionals resulted in a critical situation in the health system. This has led to increased waiting times at already scarce healthcare facilities across the country.

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