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SOFALA: Crocodile kills fisherman in Sofala

According to Chemba district administrator, Paulo Quembo, a tragic incident occurred in Sofala province, where a fisherman was pulled into the Zambezi River by a crocodile, resulting in his premature death.

According to Quembo, a 59-year-old man was pulled down the Zambezi River by a crocodile while trying to remove a fishing net on Monday in Chemba.

The administrator reports that the district has recorded a minimum of five fatalities due to crocodile attacks this year, as well as one individual who suffered serious injuries due to a hippo attack.

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Paulo Quembo identified several situations responsible for the attacks on rivers, such as the scarcity of drinking water sources in the primary village, as well as the need to fish, travel to nearby islands to tend agricultural fields, and bathe on the banks.

According to him, the current situation has the potential to deteriorate further with the beginning of summer. This season is typically marked by an increase in the number of individuals visiting rivers for recreational bathing purposes.

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