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Suspected terrorist detained in Balama near the Administrator's residence

An alleged terrorist, approximately 30 years old, born in Angoche, in the province of Nampula.

According to reports from nearby areas, the terrorist in question was arrested in the village of Nacaca, located just 4 kilometers from the official residence of the Administrator of Balama. Police sources revealed that the individual was carrying an Islamic State emblem and a text adorned on a scarf, as well as a tattoo with the ISIS symbol on a certain part of his body.

 As part of their investigations, police authorities discovered that the alleged terrorist was in the village of Nacaca looking for a marriage partner. However, his attempt to fulfill this wish was unsuccessful, as the local population promptly denounced him after he fled the forest.

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As a result of the legal complications and complexity of cases involving terrorism, it was decided that the case will be transferred to the Maximum Security Establishment at provincial level, to continue with the following steps. Unfortunately, “Integrity” was unable to obtain any official response from administrative or judicial authorities, much less a criminal investigation.

During the central ceremonies of the Lusaka agreements, on September 7th, in Inhambane, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, emphasized his message of forgiveness to terrorists who choose to surrender to the authorities. He stated that the Mozambican people do not have a “culture of hate”.

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