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The use of ICTs brought benefits but also imposed challenges

The massive use of ICTs, especially the internet, has not only brought benefits, but also imposed new challenges regarding data security and the protection of private life, institutions and State sovereignty.

Who says so is the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Nilsa Miquidade, speaking in Maputo, at the opening of the second edition of the Internet Governance Forum in Mozambique, highlighting the primary role of this as a debate platform inclusive, created with the aim of promoting public consultation on the guidelines for internet management and development in the country.

He highlighted that, by recognizing the complexity of the challenges posed by the expansion of ICTs and their importance in social and economic development, the Government has been adopting several measures and actions to guarantee sustainable technological progress for all.

“The Government is creating, restructuring and adapting various institutions in the ICT sector to respond to the specific needs of the new development model based on digital technologies, with a tendency to standardize actions and decisions”, he said.

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Miquidade also stated that Mozambique, Africa and the world are currently experiencing the effects of the information, knowledge or technological society, which is characterized by the mass use of ICTs, in which the internet presents itself as the means of unconditional technical convergence.

He states that it is the conviction of the department that oversees the ICT area that in the next Internet Governance Forum, with the experience of previous ones, there will be evidence that part of the problems that currently concern Mozambican society have been overcome.

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